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Course overview
1)3 次职场培训Workshops
- Time Management and Work/Life Balance (2 Hours)
- How to Deal with Conflicts (2 Hours)
- How to Prepare for Performance Review (2 Hours)
2)6次导师学员圆桌深度答疑/Group Mentoring (7/15, 8/12, 9/9, 10/14. 11/11, 12/9, 不定期邀请神秘嘉宾参与分享)
3)1次与Angelene或Rachel导师One to One (1 Hour)
  • Instructor: Angelene Huang , Rachel Yang,Lucy Chen, Cathy Peng, Ivy Liu
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Limit: 20 Students


Angelene Huang

Angelene Huang此前在全球最大量化对冲基金之一的Two Sigma纽约总部担任现金投资和公司资本管理工作长达9年时间,管理上百亿美元,为公司开发现代化网络资金流动管理系统,并自2017年开始担任部门主管。此前,她在IBM投资部担任高级分析师和外汇交易员。黄晓红本科毕业于清华大学环境工程系,在美国获得计算机和环境工程两个硕士学位,之后在耶鲁获得MBA学位。她也积极支持公益事业,是纽约州501(c)(3)认证的非盈利公益组织“华人咖啡俱乐部”的创始人,以及大纽约三州地区华人抗疫捐助行动“爱心联盟”(ACUC)的发起人之一。

Rachel Yang

Rachel Yang现任Highline Park Capital管理合伙人。她早年一直从事结构化金融行业,先后就职于穆迪分析,安永会计师事务所,法国农业信贷银行和日本瑞穗证券。2009年加入刚开始拓展北美市场的中国工商银行搭建其公司和金融机构客户营销平台并担任金融机构部执行总经理。2015至2017年曾担任复星集团金融服务部执行总经理。杨苹女士本科毕业于清华大学经济管理学院,拥有美国密歇根大学金融工程硕士。

Lucy Chen

Lucy Chen is currently the vice president of Claris, an Apple subsidiary, and is in charge of the development of FileMaker Platform, including FileMaker Server, Pro, Go and Cloud. Claris is a software subsidiary of Apple Group, which develops and sells applications for automated workflow and digital transformation. Lucy has a wealth of senior management experience in Sino-US multinational companies. She served as an expatriate chief manager for 10 years. As the general manager of a Chinese company, she prepared and managed the R&D, sales and marketing operations of the Chinese branch. Prior to this, Lucy also held a number of management and technical positions at Adobe, responsible for InDesign, Illustrator and other products. Lucy holds a dual degree in Information Systems Management and Education from Seattle Pacific University.

Cathy Peng

Cathy Peng, CEO of ROCS Global, which is an executive consulting firm specialized in talent recruiting and leadership training. Its headquarter is in Silicon Valley, United States.
As a prominent Asian American business leader, she is a frequent invited Asian American business leader at the White House in Washington, DC. Cathy has frequently delivered world class training and seminars at leading institutions, such as University of Chicago, Stanford, Tsinghua University and Beijing University, etc. Having conducted business in over 40 countries, Cathy speaks English, Mandarin and Cantonese.
She has an MBA from the University of Chicago, Tsinghua University Career Coach and Global Executive Coach. Cathy has won global awards, including the Woman of M2M Award in 2014, Business Leader of Color Award in 2013 and Emerging Executive Leader.

Ivy Liu

Ivy Qunyan Liu is a certified professional coach, dedicated to providing coaching services for experts and leaders in the corporate world so that people can connect with a better self. Ivy holds a master's degree in advanced management from the Yale University School of Management and an MBA from the National University of Singapore. While studying at Yale, her coach boldly helped her change her career path and entered a new career field with confidence. She also has 15 years of corporate and entrepreneurial experience, dedicated to assisting clients to unleash their strength and build confidence from within. Before becoming a coach, she was a senior manager of a top telecommunications company in China, and founded and served as the CEO of an educational technology start-up company in Singapore. She is now the president of UAC Heroes, a non-profit organization whose mission is to unite across cultures.Ivy Qunyan Liu is a certified professional coach, dedicated to providing coaching services for experts and leaders in the corporate world so that people can connect with a better self. Ivy holds a master's degree in advanced management from the Yale University School of Management and an MBA from the National University of Singapore. While studying at Yale, her coach boldly helped her change her career path and entered a new career field with confidence. She also has 15 years of corporate and entrepreneurial experience, dedicated to assisting clients to unleash their strength and build confidence from within. Before becoming a coach, she was a senior manager of a top telecommunications company in China, and founded and served as the CEO of an educational technology start-up company in Singapore. She is now the president of UAC Heroes, a non-profit organization whose mission is to unite across cultures.